Stages of business development
Every business on the way of its formation and formation of a stable brand undergoes a number of changes. At the same time, having reached the optimal level of growth…

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How to find the perfect place to put your business?
Properly chosen location for business is one of the essential components of its success and profitability. Therefore, when choosing a place for further business activities, a number of key factors…

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Ordinary people, unusual business
One of the hallmarks of an extraordinary person is the fact that he knows what he wants and constantly follows his goal. Such people have the courage of conviction, surround…

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How to prepare for the sale of the business
Are you going to sell your business in the near future? Then for you there are two news: good and bad. Let's start with the bad news. If you plan…


How to make your business promising
Considering the principles outlined below, when managing your own business, you can take a few steps forward to calculate the development of a situation, solve even the problems that cannot…


hiring freelance

We cut costs. 5 opportunities for outsourcing in your business

For smaller businesses with even smaller budgets, many websites can help fill staffing gaps caused by the inability to hire a full-time employee. Currently, one can come across the term “crowdsourcing”, this is like an online auction, only for freelancers. With this outsourcing, you will significantly reduce the costs of your business.

Crowdsourcing (Crowdsourcing) allows business owners to post their projects online and place a certain rate on them. Continue reading

A couple of steps to a powerful investment plan.
When it comes to investment, many people fall into the trap: they buy a couple of stocks here, a couple there, thereby turning their investment portfolio into a vast but…


What should be the office?
Many companies pay a lot of attention to improving the working conditions of employees, which is reflected in the search for new design solutions for office decoration. But before you…


The art of competition: the experience of Picasso and Matisse
The most famous rivalry in the art world shows us how competition can inspire and be productive. Pablo Picasso could not have created his masterpiece “Avignon girls” in 1907, if…
