What does a business work for and where is the main limitation of profit in retail?
Before we talk about what needs to be done to better manage retail inventory, let's agree on a common understanding of the purpose of any business. Not just retail, but…

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How to build effective business relationships
The ability to competently build business relations with business partners, customers and competitors is one of the most important elements in an effort to organize a successful business and create…

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We are burning at work, or how to increase productivity
Without a doubt, each of us would like his working day to be as productive as possible, and the efforts expended on doing this or that work were not wasted…

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7 professional tips worth thinking about
It is a well-known fact that the one who loves to give advice needs it most. Often, such advisers can be painfully direct comments, but if you think about it,…


How to be confident in the existence of a market for your business idea
Do you have a great business idea to create a completely new product or service? Moreover, you have no doubt that this is exactly what people need today? And what…


retaining customers

Business Planning Tips

Business planning is an important factor for success in any endeavor. However, few small business owners are seriously worried about their business plan. Lack of understanding of the proper level and type of planning is often the cause of an insufficiently developed business plan.

Business consultants, bankers, civil servants, professors of economic institutions – they all tend to paint business planning on 70-100 pages. Continue reading

How to build effective business relationships

The ability to competently build business relations with business partners, customers and competitors is one of the most important elements in an effort to organize a successful business and create a good reputation for itself in business circles.

To build effective business relationships, you must have the following components: Continue reading

Customer-oriented business
Any business, regardless of its specifics and focus, one way or another, is focused on a specific consumer. There are two models of interaction with customers. The first is based…


New marketing rules
What works today is radically different from what worked literally ten years ago. And if you think that marketing is the same as before, you are deeply mistaken. And the…


7 important steps to success
Today, many are interested in the question of how to make a successful career or succeed in business. Indeed, in the modern world of tough competition, in order to move…
