The art of competition: the experience of Picasso and Matisse
The most famous rivalry in the art world shows us how competition can inspire and be productive. Pablo Picasso could not have created his masterpiece “Avignon girls” in 1907, if…

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Is it possible to avoid the pitfalls in the business?
Many successful entrepreneurs and businessmen will not deny that on the way to the top of their careers, they had to repeatedly face failures and start a lot from scratch…

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Listen to your customers
In case of possible failures in your business, you should not immediately climb on the wall. Just listen to the consumers, their opinion is your key to success. At an…

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6 ways to facilitate export
Believe it or not, but just a few tips will save even a small organization from headaches due to paperwork and complicated tax laws. 1. Behind each project - its…


3 Cyber Security Tips
Since most business owners use technologies such as cloud computing, mobile devices, and applications, the risk of hackers getting access to your tools and business data is incredibly great. And…


more specific

Marketing business strategy

The concept of “business marketing strategy” may sound like something esoteric. Let’s reveal all the cards so that you can figure it out and be able to implement your own marketing strategy that fits perfectly into your business plan.

The word “strategy” from ancient Greek translates as “the art of the commander.” Think of strategy as a general plan of action needed to win. Continue reading

Listen to your customers
In case of possible failures in your business, you should not immediately climb on the wall. Just listen to the consumers, their opinion is your key to success. At an…


5 cheap ways to motivate employees
How do you inspire people to work without raising their salaries? It turns out that it is relatively simple, as soon as you understand how long the money works as…


5 reasons for the beginning of the end of production
Production problems are more cultural than economic. It does not come from expensive delivery and rising labor costs. The problem is much wider. Is the end of production just around…
