What should be the office?
Many companies pay a lot of attention to improving the working conditions of employees, which is reflected in the search for new design solutions for office decoration. But before you…

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We are burning at work, or how to increase productivity
Without a doubt, each of us would like his working day to be as productive as possible, and the efforts expended on doing this or that work were not wasted…

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Customer-oriented business
Any business, regardless of its specifics and focus, one way or another, is focused on a specific consumer. There are two models of interaction with customers. The first is based…

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6 rules of truly productive people
Did you realize that some people seemed to be doing a huge amount of work, but still they didn’t look tired? Here are some tips for more productive work.Productivity.Being a…


The art of writing a business letter
The art of persuasion through ordinary writing is not available to everyone, but over time it is quite possible to acquire a similar skill. Writing convincing business letters is an…


strategy according

Stages of business development

Every business on the way of its formation and formation of a stable brand undergoes a number of changes. At the same time, having reached the optimal level of growth and development, each business project experiences periods of stagnation and decline. The path of a business enterprise from its starting point to the period of decline can be divided into certain stages of business development. Continue reading

Individual entrepreneurship vs. partnership

Novice entrepreneurs can choose: in partnership with someone or independently create an enterprise for them. Let’s look at these two options for creating a business in comparison.

When you start your business, it is important to choose the right legal structure for it. This not only helps legitimize your business, but is also necessary for taxation and licensing. Continue reading

How to make people listen to you in social networks?
Time magazine recently announced another four years tweet, which contains a photo of the president and first lady embracing each other in a hearty hug, as the most popular tweet…


7 PR Tips
Many business owners seriously think that their competitors are more successful when it comes to a press release or placing an article in publications with the right purpose. This “good…


Happy customers - successful business
The most gloomy everyday life can brighten up a warm smile and a kind gesture. When working with clients, courtesy is always an integral part of quality service. Do you…
