5 cheap ways to motivate employees
How do you inspire people to work without raising their salaries? It turns out that it is relatively simple, as soon as you understand how long the money works as…

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Finance Phantom robot
Want your business to grow? Dismiss managers!
At present, it is considered quite natural and natural that almost every enterprise or company has different levels of management. As a result, ordinary employees devote a considerable amount of…

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The art of competition: the experience of Picasso and Matisse
The most famous rivalry in the art world shows us how competition can inspire and be productive. Pablo Picasso could not have created his masterpiece “Avignon girls” in 1907, if…

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Franchise Business: Pros and Cons
Nowadays, franchising is becoming increasingly popular all over the world. And this is quite natural, since the franchise business is a proven and rather convenient business model, especially for start-up…


How to find the perfect place to put your business?
Properly chosen location for business is one of the essential components of its success and profitability. Therefore, when choosing a place for further business activities, a number of key factors…


ability to slow down

Launch the product. A couple of tips.

The launch of a new product is one of the most important events in the history of the company. To achieve success in the market, the launch of the product must pass with a successful take-off and a soft landing.

New products can be sent to the target market that you have already conquered, or you can plow through the new. Most importantly, remember that when launching a new product, you need to undertake something new that you haven’t done before, otherwise launching a new product may be lost among hundreds of other “new products” of your competitors. Continue reading

How to make people listen to you in social networks?

Time magazine recently announced another four years tweet, which contains a photo of the president and first lady embracing each other in a hearty hug, as the most popular tweet of all time Twitter has existed. A tweet received hundreds of thousands of retweets and additions to favorites, and this is only 12 hours after Obama was re-elected for the next presidential term. Continue reading

7 important steps to success

Today, many are interested in the question of how to make a successful career or succeed in business. Indeed, in the modern world of tough competition, in order to move up the career ladder or implement a business project, it is no longer enough just to have theoretical knowledge, leadership skills, organizational skills, business acumen, and the ability to competently negotiate. It is also necessary to remember some rules, the observance of which will later lead to success in business. Continue reading

What does a business work for and where is the main limitation of profit in retail?
Before we talk about what needs to be done to better manage retail inventory, let's agree on a common understanding of the purpose of any business. Not just retail, but…


A couple of steps to a powerful investment plan.
When it comes to investment, many people fall into the trap: they buy a couple of stocks here, a couple there, thereby turning their investment portfolio into a vast but…


How to find the perfect place to put your business?
Properly chosen location for business is one of the essential components of its success and profitability. Therefore, when choosing a place for further business activities, a number of key factors…
